Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thursday: Valentines and sparring

This morning I got to my office and there were some Valentines on the outside.  The Women In Science and Engineering made valentines for the women around the building.  They didn't forget me.  I was a bit surprised as I'm kind of on the sidelines, but it was super nice.

This evening Isaac and I had sparring at karate.  I'm usually rather intimidated by it, and today was no exception.  I'm usually put with the adults and high schoolers and am always the lowest belt rank (by quite a bit).  We were playing one point matches.  I won the first one, although it was against someone I know so it was a bit easier.  Then I was put against a large high schooler black belt who has a lot of experience.  But I won!  The teacher gave some good advice ahead of time.  I lost the last match.  I watched Isaac a bit too and he did well.  He isn't the most aggressive, but he still puts himself out there and gets a lot of kicks and punches in.

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