The boys do love the cats.
I also found Tornado relaxing last night on the steps. It was a poor choice, since he's grey and was laying in a grey shadow. (Photo taken on night mode to actually see him.)
The boys do love the cats.
I also found Tornado relaxing last night on the steps. It was a poor choice, since he's grey and was laying in a grey shadow. (Photo taken on night mode to actually see him.)
Ben: What were you dreaming about this morning? You were all twitchy.
Amanda: Someone was going to superglue me to a piano. [I didn't mention it, but it wasn't just my fingers. It was all of me. It was a bad person. I was trying to escape while at the same time wondering if they'd be dumb enough to superglue my clothes to the piano instead of my skin.]
Ben: ...
Immediately after Joshua finished his morning meeting he said, "I want to talk to Grandpa Paul."
"Ok, " I said.
"Do you want to know what it's about?"
Well, that wasn't what I was expecting him to say as I thought that maybe I could have answered any questions he had about leprechauns. I thought maybe there was an inside joke though, so I set up the meeting.
Joshua's two questions were: 1) Are leprechauns real? and 2) Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Dad did a great job answering them, but I still haven't figured out why it was Grandpa Paul that had to answer them.
During church both boys wanted to snuggle with Ben. I got to snuggle with Joshua's foot...for a few minutes.
It was an uneventful day. The kids had school, we did our errands, had rest time/screen time, I got some work done, I completely forgot about the laundry, dinner, boys went to bed, we played some Dominion with friends (on-line).
Joshua had to read a book for school and since he doesn't read the instructions I said that he had to read it to me. It was an early reader with one sentence per page, but some of the words were hard like "jungle" and "anything" and he got almost all of them! He's at just the right stage where is reading ability is taking off and it's so fun to watch.
I read a book a few months ago about a library fire. ("The Library Book" by Susan Orlean.)
It was a good book, it made me think (once again) about the stories that buildings could tell if they could talk. Especially homes. The homes see good things and bad things within their walls. Funny things and sad things. They're taken care of well and ignored. They have families that stay for years and some that live there for a very short time.
What would a house think is important in a family? Would it like giggles? Tiny feet thumping on the floor? Loud families? Families that moved furniture a lot? Families that had a lot of guests? Families that kept the windows open? Would different houses like different things?
I think a book about a house from the house's point of view would be really interesting. (However, a book about a house's history from the families-that-lived-in-it-point-of-view does not sound so interesting, so it might be a hard book to come by.)
The day was rather uneventful. The most exciting thing was that while in the karate class I was looking where I was punching and got to so off my technique to everyone. Ok, that is rather exciting. But I feel like it shouldn't be. It was a side punch and it feels completely normal to look where you're punching and it was surprising to learn that doesn't happen naturally for everyone. (There are definite times I don't look where I'm punching when I should be.)
Isaac wrote some of this spelling words with Legos. He said he wasn't going to be creative with the words like last time, but he still was a little bit.
I started out the semester surprisingly on top of school work and I feel like I'm quickly falling behind. The important things are getting done, even in advance, but the things that I can put off a bit are getting pushed back more and more.