It was a busy day. There was normal work for classes. The kids had a half day and so I picked them up from school and ate lunch at home. I picked up Isaac after our classes were done and he said he was disappointed about his quiz grade: 8.5/20. That really surprised me, but I kept my cool and said that at least he could make corrections. He told me he elected to not make corrections. "What?!? 8.5/20 and you're not going to fix it?" "No, no," he replied. "18.5/20". Phew. I can understand a small disappointment with that number but I was also super excited about it because it wasn't 8.5.
Anyway, we rushed home so I could drop him off and go to parent teacher conferences. We were a bit worried about Joshua. He loses recess minutes as part of a group when he's doing the right thing, and it hits him hard. It's usually the first thing I hear about when we're talking after school, but I also understand that the teacher has limited ways to stop talking. She made a note. She did say that he's a sweetheart and he's doing a great job and is on track with everything. His lack of capitalization and periods is normal for where he is. It was a glowing report. (To note, he normally is fine with Ben and I, but we've had some small issues. They don't seem to be issues at school.)
Isaac's conference was the boring one this year. Grades are good. His teacher was trying to tell us that it would have been better to have a higher growth in his standardized math test, but then realized that his test scores are so high it is actually hard to have that growth. So we chatted a bit more and left early.
There were a ton of things on my to-do list because I didn't do anything yesterday. I accomplished several of those this evening. Several of my graders aren't putting in their allotted hours and I'm stressing a little bit about how everything is going to get graded if they don't step up and how I'm going to finish the other stuff I need to finish. It's happened before and I know the important stuff will get done, but it still takes time. I'm doing something very different next semester because this happens to some extent every semester and I'm sick of it.
Ben worked late. Tornado missed him so much that he sat with me for a while.