Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wednesday: grocery adventures

I asked the kids if there was anything they needed from the grocery store today.  Lemon yogurt and potato chips was Joshua's response.  Potato chips?  He proceeded to tell me that he just prayed that I would get potato chips at the store, so how could I not?  I did compromise and get the baked kind though; we'll see if he likes them.

In other grocery news, there's still no chicken bouillon.  I didn't get it last week because there were no cubes, and this week the granules were gone too.  There looked like there was still some fancy bouillon, but I just wanted the boring stuff.  I'll probably regret not getting the fancy stuff next week when that is gone too.  Spicy peanut butter cracker packs are still gone, canned lemonade is still gone, and I don't know to where they moved the canned pineapple juice (assuming they still have it).  I finally decided to get a different laundry detergent than the one I wanted, but I don't care about that too much.

It snowed today!  The birds came to the feeders for the first time; Tornado enjoyed watching them.

Tornado also climbed all over me while I was doing some work at the computer.  He rested here but never really settled that much.

O:CtH is still in progress.  Today I cleaned out a few drawers.  Ok, ok.  Two half drawers.  But I also dealt with some of the stuff that needed to moved somewhere else.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday: long day

It was a long day today.  Work was fine, but it's work.  Piano lessons were cold.  They've asked families to stay in the car due to COVID...this was fine in the summer but my toes felt like they were about to fall off today.  I've ordered some of those snap hand warmers for my feet for next time.  The heated seats are nice too, so hopefully between those two things Joshua and I can stay a bit warmer.

Karate (via zoom) happens shortly after we get home, but the teacher didn't show up for the lesson.  (There's several good and plausible reasons for this.)  But it meant that I had to lead the ended up being pretty short.

I then found out that Ben was dealing with booster side-effects in the office.  So I got him medicine while trying to deal with Joshua's hurt eye.  Joshua couldn't open his eye for about an hour because he got something in it.  It took rinsing it out and a call to Nurse Pat for it to feel better.

Isaac and I then had karate...but it was again short because I didn't want to do it.  I probably could have followed directions, but I couldn't make the directions.

That was mostly the end.  Not completely, but it got easier from there.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Monday: sleeping

I woke up in the middle of the night last night due to a weird dream: the boys and I were going to go on an international trip and I could not get my act together.  I finally got back to sleep only to continue the dream.  It wasn't really a bad dream...more like one of those annoying movies where everything goes wrong and you want to strangle the characters because they're making dumb choices.

Tornado joined me for my nap.  I wasn't going to take a picture of them every time, but this looked so uncomfortable.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sunday: Bible Study

Today our Bible Study was extra small due to illness and Christmas parties.  While I'm glad that people with colds stayed home because no one wants to be sick right now, it was also rather sad.  We were decorating bags for Kids' Food Basket and we had been looking forward to getting to know some of the other "new" members a little better.  That being said, it was nice to catch up with these two people too.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Friday: busy but good

Today was rather busy, but it was a good busy.  I went to the mom's group at church.  I donated blood.  We had our karate test.  (It wasn't a great test, but I thought we did well for doing most of it via zoom.  It's been a while since the instructors saw the kids, and they said that they've gotten stronger.)

The annoying thing of the day was that the yard waste company didn't come and pick up the container like they said they were going to do.  So now I need to make a phone call.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Wednesday: weird grocery day

Well, in today's grocery adventures I found some Fresca!  Larry has been looking for it for a while.  That being said, there was no canned lemonade.  We really enjoyed some lemonade without added sugar over the weekend, but there wasn't any.  There was some bottled lemonade, but nothing canned.  So I just added it to the list of things I check for every week but aren't there.

Both cats joined me for my nap.  I was surprised to see Horizon there when I woke up.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday: parent teacher conference

We finally had Joshua's parent teacher conference today.  Joshua's doing great!  He's come out of his shell and plays with other kids, does well in class, and is doing well in academics, especially reading.  His reading score was 92 WPM and the goal for the end of first grade is 65 WPM.  It seems to have jumped up during this last testing cycle, but even so it was in the sixties.

It was almost a boring conference, but at the same time hearing good things about your child isn't that boring.