Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday: long day

It was a long day today.  Work was fine, but it's work.  Piano lessons were cold.  They've asked families to stay in the car due to COVID...this was fine in the summer but my toes felt like they were about to fall off today.  I've ordered some of those snap hand warmers for my feet for next time.  The heated seats are nice too, so hopefully between those two things Joshua and I can stay a bit warmer.

Karate (via zoom) happens shortly after we get home, but the teacher didn't show up for the lesson.  (There's several good and plausible reasons for this.)  But it meant that I had to lead the exercise...it ended up being pretty short.

I then found out that Ben was dealing with booster side-effects in the office.  So I got him medicine while trying to deal with Joshua's hurt eye.  Joshua couldn't open his eye for about an hour because he got something in it.  It took rinsing it out and a call to Nurse Pat for it to feel better.

Isaac and I then had karate...but it was again short because I didn't want to do it.  I probably could have followed directions, but I couldn't make the directions.

That was mostly the end.  Not completely, but it got easier from there.


Heather D. said...

Really? You can't even go to the piano lesson in a mask? If you were to distance and wear a mask, I don't understand the issue. Maybe you could bring it up since it's winter now?

Glad it got better!

betsy said...

Can you keep your car running? I always stay toasty with the heat cranking while I wait for the kids in the car!

Sounds like a bunch of rough stuff in one day!