Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday: blanket

Today after work Ben and I were cuddling with Flurry (our normal ritual) and I started to fall asleep. (It had been a kind of boring afternoon...busy, but boring. Some days are like that.) Ben asked if I was falling asleep, and I said yes, but I want to get my blanket first. So he got it for me. :D

Flurry has been extra cuddly. Probably because she has nothing better to do, but Ben and I are enjoying it!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday: Flurry's lucky day

Yesterday Flurry finally decided to start cleaning herself again. It wasn't that she wasn't cleaning herself this past week, but she was just cleaning the easy to reach places. Well, during her cleaning frenzy we notice that there was a spot on her good front leg that had no fur and a bump. She kept licking and playing with it, so we figured another vet visit was in store.

We set up an appointment with the vet for this afternoon, but the vet called and said that they had shaved off that area (why? still unknown) and there is always a bump there. We could still bring her in, but it wasn't necessary. We opted for the "not necessary" option.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday: census

Today I filled out the census form. I was kind of excited because I like filling out forms. But then I was rather let down. All they asked, pretty much, was what is your name, age, birth date, gender, and race. Those are boring questions. I was hoping for questions that would get an interesting "snapshot of America" like

"how often do you do laundry?"
"how many trees are on your property?"
"how many computers/person are in your house?"
"of the following list, which adjective best describes you?"
"are you satisfied with your job?"
"do you consider yourself happy?"
"do you buy tuna fish?"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday: a wonderful day

Since today was a beautiful day, we got together with some friends in the late afternoon and played ultimate Frisbee. Yay ultimate! Boo being out of shape. After about 10 minutes I was completely winded. We played a bit more but then the grill was warm so we started the food. Yum picnic! Afterwards we played another round of ultimate which went better, possibly because there were more people and therefore less running.

We continued the night by going to Clay and Jess' for games and desserts. Ah, more fun. We played Nutzee and I lost by one point. I almost tied because my last card to flip was an Ace. I flipped it into my play cards as I yelled Nutzee. I almost pushed it into the middle piles afterwards but decided not to cheat. I'm actually a little saddened at myself that I even considered doing that. Oh well.

There's apparently a bat in their basement, and everyone was slowly going down to look for it. Jess and I were talking and suddenly they come up out of the basement hold a garbage bag with a black thing in it, yelling and running for the front door. Jess jumped about a mile. The black thing ended up being a sock.

It was a wonderful evening spent with wonderful friends.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday: the good things about working too much

1. I'm not closely counting my hours to make sure I have enough.
2. I don't feel guilty about doing a few random things during the day (going to the vet, having lunch, getting bagels for breakfast) that take away from my time.
3. I have an excuse for not doing chores

Those are poor "good" things. :(

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday: x-rays

The vet nicely sent us a picture of Flurry's x-rays. See how on the right "wrist" some of the bones are separated from the others? That's the problem.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday: ides

IDES OF MARCH!! I was going to say Happy Ides of March and then realize that it wasn't appropriate. Then I was going to say Sad Ides of March, but that didn't really work either.

So I decided to just yell it.