Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday: census

Today I filled out the census form. I was kind of excited because I like filling out forms. But then I was rather let down. All they asked, pretty much, was what is your name, age, birth date, gender, and race. Those are boring questions. I was hoping for questions that would get an interesting "snapshot of America" like

"how often do you do laundry?"
"how many trees are on your property?"
"how many computers/person are in your house?"
"of the following list, which adjective best describes you?"
"are you satisfied with your job?"
"do you consider yourself happy?"
"do you buy tuna fish?"

1 comment:

Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

Sorry! It is the shortest form in decades. They get most of that interesting information now through other means.

We haven't gotten our form yet.