Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday: hmm

So I was writing my post (which I have again written twice) and found this in the middle.

"A plan of how to eat donuts for dinner and not get fat. It might mean invisable donuts. They don't taste as good though."

Let's just say I had no idea that was going to be written until it actually was. However, I did decide that since I need to work tomorrow (all day) I'm going to get myself a donut. The problem with Ben and I both working so much lately is that we have no groceries. No yogurt for breakfast, we just ran out of bread, no lunch meat, no sliced cheese, no fruit, no milk, and we're lacking several other things that are a bit more minor. On the happy side though, since I don't have yogurt for breakfast I don't feel as guilty picking up a donut for breakfast.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday: sneaky

Third time's a charm...the first post I had written I decided not to post, and the second one was too confusing. So we'll go with Five Question Friday.

1. What was the first car you owned?
Well, I suppose it would be the blue Subaru, which I own through marriage. I've never picked out a car that I was going to pay for and drive.

2. What song are you embarrassed to know the lyrics to?
I can't think of one. But Ben is embarrassed that I know the Pirate song...
"I'm a pirate. A dirty rotten pirate. I put poison in my mother's shredded wheat. How neat. My chief delight is to start a fight and I bash little kids in the head, till they're dead."

3. Have you ever had stitches?
No, but I use a lot of bandaids

4. What was your first job?
I was a paper delivery person. Nathan and I split the route and Mom was nice enough to do the Saturday morning deliveries so that we could sleep in.

5. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
Well, when I was a small child it was apparently Big Bird. Now...that's a tough question. Probably the aliens.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday: picture

The next one is started!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday: the day we've been waiting for

Today was layoff day. Ben and I didn't get laid off. Our friends didn't get laid off. In the end, fewer people than expected got laid off...yay.

I'm tired. So is Flurry.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday: quilt

The quilt (and pillowcases are finished)! I don't love either of these pictures, but they work.

I like how Flurry looks in this one.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday: eggs

We just started buying some eggs from our friend Luke. He's had chickens for about a year; I'm not sure why it took us so long. Anyway, we now get eggs of all different colors. It is much more interesting.

Today I wore my Flurry outfit...grey pants to match her grey spots, a white shirt to match her fur, and a green sweater that matches her eyes. She's obviously thrilled.

Saturday: wheat

I had to work this morning. I got the thing accomplished that I wanted to, but it is always sad to have to work on the weekend.

In the evening we went to Clay and Jess's for pizza and games. We played a new game called Pitch which is kind of like Euchure but for more players. Then we played Settlers. Clay pulled a devious move in which he traded a whole bunch of people for wheat and then played the monopoly card which let him take all the wheat back. It was a great evening with friends.