Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday: we made it

1) we stopped at McDonalds for lunch. It had a play place, and Isaac wanted to go play. Without thinking about the fact that it was made with opaque plastic tubing, I said yes. Five minutes later I had no idea where he was, but didn't hear crying and knew he didn't leave the two exits, so I wasn't worried. But then a girl tried to go up a tube and came back down...I thought Isaac was stuck. My motherly instincts shot in and I zoomed up the tube. He wasn't lost. He was fine. So we went down the slide together. I didn't let him go back up that part because I didn't want him to get lost. Aunt c was laughing this whole time because I had forgotten I was pregnant but apparently made a pretty funny sight.

2) Isaac helped read some books to Evelyn tonight by doing the animal sounds. It was super cute.

Wednesday: we're off!

And we're off to Virginia! Isaac and I left Ben at home and went to pick up Aunt C. During that ten minutes before we left Holland I sang "itsy bitsy spider" about ten times and was getting a bit nervous about the trip.

We got all of aunt C's stuff packed in the car. (The whole time it sounded like Isaac was saying "CC dumb ass" and we have no idea what he was really saying). Isaac did much better once we really got started. He took a short nap and chilled for a bit.

Shortly after, it was time for dinner. Isaac picked up a medium sized rock and was carrying it around, only to have it drop and shatter into three pieces. He was rather surprised, but then super happy! Isaac got a rock, I got a rock, and Aunt C got a rock. And he's made sure that we keep those rocks!

We stopped with about 4.5 hours to go.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday: Ben's failed test

Ben went to the bathroom.

Isaac: Treat?
Ben: sure
Isaac runs off to get a pretend heart.
Isaac: Here you go dada
Ben: Thanks!
Isaac: More?
Ben: sure
Isaac: Not two.  Only one heart.

So Ben may have failed his parenting test, but at least Isaac seems to understand that you only get one heart for going to the bathroom.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday: embarrassing and silly

I had my pregnancy glucose test today.  But I didn't read the directions and ate a donut for breakfast.  I called and they had me do the test anyway, but I failed.  I felt pretty dumb, but the doctor didn't seem to worry too much...I barely failed, I only gained three pounds over the last month, and my urine sample was clean of sugars.

It's still annoying though since I was rather embarrassed and need to do the test again.

*****and the silly*****

After we watch our TV program with dinner, we once in a while watch "Too Cute", a show about kittens and puppies.  He always says "Watch kitties?"  then "watch puppies?"  I was the one to say no tonight, so Isaac asked Ben...with the sliest glance over at me.  Isaac needs to work on his subtlety skills. :D

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday: Happy Mother's Day!

Today was a very nice day.  Ben woke up with Isaac, but as is normal on Mother's Day Isaac slept in.  Then I had breakfast in bed.  Then we all wore stripes.  (We don't have a picture with Ben, but Isaac picked out his shirt so that everyone would have stripes.)  We went to church, took a nap, and hung out on the deck for a while.  Then Jamie and her kids came over for dinner.  Isaac went a bit crazy, but everyone had fun.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday: sprinklers

We prepped the sprinklers today...there are a few that still need some help, but we could run the sprinklers if needed.  We were about to start zone 5 when Isaac noticed the baby ducks.

Isaac was not willing to leave the ducks until they were out of sight.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday: our day

We saw a loon on the lake and close to the house.  We've seen a loon several times, but only ever one.  I hope it's not lonely, because it'd be nice if it stayed around.

We went to the quilt show.  "Unparalled" by Carol Vinnedge was my favorite.  I think that Isaac liked pretty much every quilt, but was also ready to go by the end.

We briefly walked through the flower show next to the quilt show.

And I took Isaac's picture by some tulips.

Even though the forecast said cool and rainy all day, when we woke up from our naps it was warm and sunny.  Actually, I was rather warm, but when I opened the windows the breeze cooled me down nicely.  Today marked the first day of "pregnant and bare foot" in the kitchen with this baby, but I highly doubt it will be the last.  Where did that come from anyway?  Back when there were dirt floors?  Ok, I looked it up on Urban Dictionary and Wikipedia.  It started being used between 1910 and 1950 and refers to a person that always stays at home (therefore not needing shoes) (and not working outside the home) taking care of the house and the kids.  Seems a bit odd to me because I suspect that even in the 1910s women had other errands that would take them out of the house, but maybe I'm just reading too much into it.  Anyway, I wore two pairs of shoes today besides going barefoot.