Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday: today

Isaac has diarrhea again. :(  But besides that he's still happy.  The good news is that he got most of it in the toilet though, so that was nice.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday: no gd and pictures

I retook my glucose test today and passed with flying colors.  Ben rewarded me by bringing home a donut!

And here are some pictures from our VA trip, in no particular order...

Isaac with lots of toys.  He did an amazing job in the car.

Hanging out.  Isaac liked Evelyn, but really just ignored her most of the time.


Going on a walk.

Looking at a pretend ant.  (We had just seen a big fast one, but he is just looking at tree droppings here.)

Putting together a windmill/

Isaac helped put the nuts on.

Isaac and me.

Petting the goats.  Once they realized we didn't have food they ignored us.

A good photo.

Isaac playing his "guitar".  There were a few times where Nathan was playing a song on his guitar, Isaac was making noise with his "guitar" and Isaac wanted me to sing a song that he knew.  I said no...three different tunes was way too much.

Going to plant onions.

Planting onions.

Clearing rocks.

Being a farmer and surveying the land.

By the rock pile.

Putting up a drawing that Isaac made with Liz.

Looking at the stream.  It went under the driveway and Isaac loved running from one side to the other to check out the stream.

Picture time.

 Evelyn and me.

Evelyn's first selfie.  She isn't sure she likes the word either.

And finally, Isaac's new letter song.  We heard this a lot and at the top of his lungs on the ride home.  

Monday, May 19, 2014


We arrived home today after a wonderful trip. Isaac cried for about fifteen minutes out of the 24 hour round trip, but it was because he had a dirty diaper...who can blame him?

But he also took a very short nap and cried easily this afternoon. I was also a bit grumpy, so we had a few moments. But after a bit everything evened out again.

However, I am tired. I decided to read in bed and then flurry threw up on the blankets. (She's always smart enough to throw up on the floor.). I called Ben up to help me not because I couldn't deal with the mess but because I didn't know what to do. The only thing I knew is that we should take the blankets off the bed. (We put on the other comforter (duh) and have the big blanket at the foot of the bed as the back up blanket.)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday: a restful day

Today we took it rather easy. We went on a few walks around the farm. Nathan and I put together a little windmill. After telling Isaac several times not to touch the blades because they are sharp, Nathan cut himself.

We also sang several songs and Isaac decided that Evelyn's toy giraffe is a guitar too. But he can't sing and play the giraffe because it is too hard.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday: we made it

1) we stopped at McDonalds for lunch. It had a play place, and Isaac wanted to go play. Without thinking about the fact that it was made with opaque plastic tubing, I said yes. Five minutes later I had no idea where he was, but didn't hear crying and knew he didn't leave the two exits, so I wasn't worried. But then a girl tried to go up a tube and came back down...I thought Isaac was stuck. My motherly instincts shot in and I zoomed up the tube. He wasn't lost. He was fine. So we went down the slide together. I didn't let him go back up that part because I didn't want him to get lost. Aunt c was laughing this whole time because I had forgotten I was pregnant but apparently made a pretty funny sight.

2) Isaac helped read some books to Evelyn tonight by doing the animal sounds. It was super cute.

Wednesday: we're off!

And we're off to Virginia! Isaac and I left Ben at home and went to pick up Aunt C. During that ten minutes before we left Holland I sang "itsy bitsy spider" about ten times and was getting a bit nervous about the trip.

We got all of aunt C's stuff packed in the car. (The whole time it sounded like Isaac was saying "CC dumb ass" and we have no idea what he was really saying). Isaac did much better once we really got started. He took a short nap and chilled for a bit.

Shortly after, it was time for dinner. Isaac picked up a medium sized rock and was carrying it around, only to have it drop and shatter into three pieces. He was rather surprised, but then super happy! Isaac got a rock, I got a rock, and Aunt C got a rock. And he's made sure that we keep those rocks!

We stopped with about 4.5 hours to go.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday: Ben's failed test

Ben went to the bathroom.

Isaac: Treat?
Ben: sure
Isaac runs off to get a pretend heart.
Isaac: Here you go dada
Ben: Thanks!
Isaac: More?
Ben: sure
Isaac: Not two.  Only one heart.

So Ben may have failed his parenting test, but at least Isaac seems to understand that you only get one heart for going to the bathroom.