Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday: scary

I hate crescent roll packages that don't open when you peel off the top layer.  Then I have to pop it myself and it always scares me.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday: pool

Isaac and I joined Betsy and Ethan at the pool this afternoon and it was a perfect day for it.  It took Isaac and Ethan a bit to warm up to the pool and to each other, but then they played and talked with each other.  I have no idea what they were playing or saying, but they seemed to enjoy it.  It was so much nicer than last year when we were constantly chasing the boys around the pool.  This time they actually played with the water and only wandered once or twice.

Then Isaac and I met Ben at a local Greek/Chicago food place that I hadn't been to before.  It was pretty good, although I did wish that my gyro had a few more veggies and a bit less meat.  Oh well, still someplace that I'd be happy to try again.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday: so there.

Amanda: Isaac, you need to go to the bathroom now.
Isaac: NO!
Amanda: Yes.
Isaac: NO!
Amanda: Do you want to go yourself or do you want me to carry you?
Isaac starts walking.
Isaac passes a large duplo piece.
Isaac snatches the duplo piece with the "if you're going to make me go to the bathroom, I'm going to take this with me even though you don't want me to" look.

It made us crack up.  I don't care if Isaac takes stuff with him to the bathroom, especially large duplo pieces.  But if that's how he needs to assert his independence, that's fine with me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday: on boat?

This morning we went to a playgroup at church.  There weren't a ton of people there, but it was a lot of fun.  And Isaac did really well on the play's so interesting to see the change from last year.  He still wanted a little help on the slides (although he could have done them by himself).  The other funny thing is that he started hanging on a monkey bar.  I saw it and ran over and he was still hanging on it...I didn't really think that he could hold himself up that long.  He did proceed to fall while I was there without any trauma, but the next few times I caught him very promptly.  Guess I better teach him how to fall safely from the monkey bars. :)

Isaac was also very excited to go in the boat today.  I kept being asked, "on boat?"  And then when I said yes he wanted to make sure we were going to go in the water too.  He went out a second time with was the first thing he said when Ben walked in the door.  They're short rides, but that works for us right now.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday: Happy Memorial Day!

We went to the parade today.  I'm glad it was only a half hour because Isaac lost interest rather quickly.  Part of it may have been from poor seats.  Luckily, he entertained himself well with a water bottle.

We also pumped up our (new to us) kayak and had a little ride.  It doesn't steer all that well, but we had a fun time.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday: 30 weeks

I'm 30 weeks pregnant today!  Only 10 weeks left!  (This sounds so much better than saying I still have a quarter left to go...that sounds like a long time.)

Currently I'm doing some quilt stuff on the computer, hoping not to throw up due to acid reflux (it just hit me out of the blue), and listening to Ben say "Boing, boing, boing, bonk! bonk! bonk!" while jumping around Minecraft and Isaac laughing like crazy!  Isaac also likes to "see moos", and "climb ladder".  When there was enough fuel Isaac enjoyed flying up and down.  Isaac loves the game, although he doesn't actually do anything during the time he gets to play/watch.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday: "What's that"

One of Isaac's favorite phrases lately is "What's that?"  I am so sick of the question.  Half the time he knows the answer and wants us to give us the answer he's thinking of.  Of that half, half of the time he screeches/squeals/screams and asks what he just did. A quarter of the time I have no idea what the thing the flap on plastic packaging.  The other quarter it's a valid question.

In other news, it's time for us to start teaching him how to put the covers on himself.  I don't understand why this is something that we need to teach him, but I'm sick of going over just to adjust his covers.