Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday: too smart

Tonight was Isaac's birthday party (pictures to come).  Ben and I got him a balance bike.  So this morning we were at the store in the helmet section, and I was trying to be sneaky.

Amanda: Hey Isaac, let's get a hat.
Isaac: I like this one.
Amanda: ok, can you put it in the cart?
Isaac: Bike too?

How does he know they were bike helmets?  We don't bike lately.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday: really

Isaac has recently discovered that really can be an adverb.  So lately we've been getting descriptions like "When I'm really, really, really, really bigger I can touch the ceiling."

Ben was also putting together his birthday present tonight and Isaac asked, "Is Dad drumming?"  I responded with, "It does sound like that, doesn't it?"  I felt sneaky in a good, parenty way.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday: this and that

I was so awake last night.  I usually try to go to bed around 11, and tried to do so again last night.  But after repeated attempts to fall asleep, I just got up.  I think it took me until at least 3am to fall asleep.  I'm wondering if the "late" night iced teas had unexpected caffeine in them.  The baby was also super wiggly, so that didn't help either.  Even Ben couldn't get him to calm down.

But the day went well despite the lack of sleep.  Isaac's been asking to play in the sand all week, so we did that first thing.  (Part of the reason we haven't done it is rain, but the other half is that I just get busy and don't want to stop whatever I'm doing.  And I don't enjoy going outside in the heat of the day.)  Anyway, we ended up spending about two hours out there and the weather was very nice.  Isaac wanted to go in the deep water so we walked out a bit.  But I made him walk himself (while holding his hand), even though he wanted me to carry him.  He got about up to his belly button before he was done.  I was curious as to how far he'd go out.

We also took the baby's crib apart and moved it out of Isaac's room.  Isaac removed about 1/3 of the bolts by himself...I was rather proud.  I would have set it up in the baby's room, but that room is currently a disaster.  I'm hoping it'll get more manageable within the next week or so as things move out.  I've been working on it, but I seem to put more stuff in it lately than I take out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday: pictures

Here are some pictures from camping.  Better late than never.

The only rope we had was kind of short or super long.  So the Subaru provided the best distance for the shorter rope.

We got all our stuff in...barely.  I thought it would be a lot easier going home, but we didn't eat as much as I expected and we didn't pack everything as well, partly due to the rain.

Isaac and his friend.

Isaac and his trusty lawnmower.

Isaac and another friend.  Isaac pushed and pulled him on the car...and probably developed some strong muscles.

Isaac "tickling" Ben.

Eating campfire donuts.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday: outtings

This morning we went to the church for playgroup.  It was raining, so we were in the nursery.  Im pretty sure that almost every toy was taken out.  At the end Isaac ended up running up and down the front of the church with two of the kids that we camped with.  They ran so hard for about 20 minutes.  But running is good exercise and Isaac was interacting with them, so I was happy to stay around.

Then in the afternoon I had a doctor's appointment to hear the "heartbeep."  Isaac told the doctor that he has a puppy in his tummy and she got a good laugh out of that.  (He also told her that she forgot to use soap when washing her hands, but she had just used a different dispenser than he was expecting.  I was a bit surprised that he noticed and that he said something.)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday: bed

Good news!  Isaac stayed in his bed all night through to the morning.  And during his nap.

He was super excited to get his actual twin bed tonight.  He surprisingly went right to sleep but we'll see what happens the rest of the night.

So sleeping seems to be going well, but toilet training went terribly today.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday: coming home

We had more (unexpected) rain last night.  It made packing up a bit annoying, but not too bad.  Ben and I were rather exhausted during the afternoon, but we survived.

Isaac is sleeping out of his crib tonight.  We thought that since he got used to not sleeping in a crib while camping it might be a good time to transition.  I think he went to sleep without getting off his mattress, but it's a little hard to see.