Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday: outtings

This morning we went to the church for playgroup.  It was raining, so we were in the nursery.  Im pretty sure that almost every toy was taken out.  At the end Isaac ended up running up and down the front of the church with two of the kids that we camped with.  They ran so hard for about 20 minutes.  But running is good exercise and Isaac was interacting with them, so I was happy to stay around.

Then in the afternoon I had a doctor's appointment to hear the "heartbeep."  Isaac told the doctor that he has a puppy in his tummy and she got a good laugh out of that.  (He also told her that she forgot to use soap when washing her hands, but she had just used a different dispenser than he was expecting.  I was a bit surprised that he noticed and that he said something.)

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