Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday: today

Today...yeah, I survived today.

I threw up last night...the first time in quite some time.  It came out of no where!  I didn't feel very good the rest of the night.  At one point I really needed to go to the bathroom but when I started to sit up I started to feel sick so decided to try and go back to sleep instead.  This morning was a bit better, but I think I was tired.  I ended up taking two naps.  At the end of the first I was doing better, but the second one was still nice.

We (mostly Ben but I helped a bit) managed to fix one of the sprinklers.  It was harder than it should have been, but I think we (as in Ben) learned a lot so the next ones should be better.

Isaac thankfully did well all day.  It's sometimes hard to remember that just because I'm not feeling good doesn't mean that it affects him all that much...especially on weekends when Ben is around too.

Here is a picture from the pool from a while ago...I got it after the blog post but think it's super cute.

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