Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday: fun in the rain

Today really wasn't that rainy, although it threAtened all day so the humidity was rather high. Isaac woke up bright and early at 6. He did a lot of running and then we played on an empty playground. (It was nice because once the playground is full he gets slow and it feels dangerous.)

We had several breakfasts due to our early wake up time- they were all delicious. We played some Catan. It was raining a bit then, so Isaac ha the choice between "playing" the game and watching a movie. He smartly chose the game and actually did a really good job helping for about half the game. Once he told everyone what was in my hand,"baas", but the next time he was asked he just said "cards"

Isaac also had a ton of fun with a lawn mower that some of the people brought. He probably mowed grass for at least two hours today. And he played with the other kids too, which was nice to watch.

It rained hard at 3pm, but we were taking our naps.

Hobo pies and a fire finished out a damp but very nice day.

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