Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday: shopping

The boys and I went shopping with Cheryl today for some new clothes.  I told Isaac that he needed to help choose his own clothes.  He's getting old enough to know what he likes and doesn't like, and I'd like him to at least weigh in on the decision making process.

It was so cute.  Isaac had so many opinions in such a short time.  And he was so concerned about getting the right size.  He'd often find the right size and only then would he figure out what he was looking at.  For the most part we stuck to the list that I made, but he did get an extra shirt.  He went by it twice and really loved it a lot both times...and the second time Grandma was around. :)

He also ended up with sandals that light up.  He is over the moon about them.  Had I realized they were light up I probably would have put them back because I don't love light up shoes.  But we were already checking out and he was SO happy that they light up that I decided it really didn't matter.  I suppose that's why I made him help choose his own clothes, right?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday: lovie hiding

Joshua did this several times tonight.  He'd hide his lovies under his legs and then say "Where?"

I don't talk about his lovies much, but they are so often close to Joshua.  We have two - elephant and bear - and he loves them both but is fine with one.  It's nice because that doubles my chances of finding at least one when he goes to sleep.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday: almost a smile

Joshua does smile a lot; it just isn't capture in pictures much.  Of course, he was a bit grumpy today...he took a really long nap so I think he was tired.  (and maybe his mouth still hurt?  It looked a ton better but such things can be hard to know.)

I asked him to smile for this picture.  He really is understanding a lot of what we say now.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday: bloody lips

Joshua took a tumble over something today.  He managed to cut his bottom lip and top lip.  Of course, he didn't want anything to touch his lips, even to clean off the blood.

We finally decided that it was only barely bleeding, so Ben took him out on the deck.  Ben started squirting his mouth with a squirt gun, which worked much better than the paper towel.  Then Ben gave him the squirt gun and he finished cleaning out his mouth.  It worked nicely.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Saturday: quiet

Today I had a bridal shower to go to in the morning.  It was very nice.  Ben had suggested that I just stay out the whole afternoon...I just needed a break from everything.  From the normal responsibilities.

I went to Cheryl's house.  She was there, but I never saw her.  I took a nap, read my book outside, and just enjoyed the quiet.  I enjoyed not feeling like there were a zillion things that I should be doing.  It was a lovely afternoon.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday: tired

I'm tired.  Thursdays tend to be my most tired days.

I might be too tired to go to bed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday: progress

Isaac and I were doing some subtracting tonight.  "If I have 10 treats and eat 3, how many do I have?"  says Isaac.  "Seven," I reply.  Basic stuff.  Then comes the loop.  "I have five apples and eat three-quarters of them.  How many are left?" asks Isaac.  Uhh.  Math.  I'm not really prepared to do math tonight.  It's been one of those days.  Why did he have to pick five apples?  Doesn't he know that this would be an easier problem with four apples???  "Go ask your dad."  He did.  Ben broke down the math for him ("You have 20 quarter apples and take away 15 quarter apples so you have 5 quarter apples left.")  But I'm not sure if it sank in or not.

Joshua now pushes his belly button after he poops.

(I know!  Isn't it hilarious!?  He's been doing it all week.  It's a nice way to know if he needs a diaper change and good that he is starting to realize what is going on.)