Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday: shopping

The boys and I went shopping with Cheryl today for some new clothes.  I told Isaac that he needed to help choose his own clothes.  He's getting old enough to know what he likes and doesn't like, and I'd like him to at least weigh in on the decision making process.

It was so cute.  Isaac had so many opinions in such a short time.  And he was so concerned about getting the right size.  He'd often find the right size and only then would he figure out what he was looking at.  For the most part we stuck to the list that I made, but he did get an extra shirt.  He went by it twice and really loved it a lot both times...and the second time Grandma was around. :)

He also ended up with sandals that light up.  He is over the moon about them.  Had I realized they were light up I probably would have put them back because I don't love light up shoes.  But we were already checking out and he was SO happy that they light up that I decided it really didn't matter.  I suppose that's why I made him help choose his own clothes, right?


betsy said...

Fun! Ethan adores light up shoes and they haven't caused us any issues. Leah can't wait until her feet are big enough to wear some :) where'd you find light up sandals? I think you should've posted a picture of all the new clothes :)

betsy said...

Fun! Ethan adores light up shoes and they haven't caused us any issues. Leah can't wait until her feet are big enough to wear some :) where'd you find light up sandals? I think you should've posted a picture of all the new clothes :)

Amy Worrel said...

This is great! I don't like light-up shoes, either, but you are so right in that it doesn't really matter, does it?