Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday: 21 months

Joshua turned 21 months yesterday!

I had a hard time getting him to lay down on his quilt.  He really just wanted to do the self timer on the camera.

Sleep: we have transitioned from getting up once a night to getting up zero times per night.  (Yay!)  It really didn't take that's nice to have monitors so that I can talk to him and that he also understands.  I'd tell him to go back to sleep and he would do it.

Eating: this seems a little bit better, but still not great.

Comprehension:  Joshua is in the weird stage where he can understand most of what you say to him, but can't talk much.  Today I gave him two pretzels and told him to give one to Isaac and he did it without any problem.  He will also go to time-out by himself when told.  He also definitely understands, "Do you want to be put down?"  as the answer is almost always no with a snuggle.

Talking: He has a bunch of new words this month and is starting to say words more clearly and even to say new words pretty well when asked.  He's latched onto "owl" really well, and Isaac is fun to hear too.  He knows when Isaac is supposed to be around and says his name if he's not.  Oh, and "Buzz".  He gets to look at Buzz Lightyear on the wipes box when getting his diaper changed.

(I think the picture above is my favorite.)

Playing: Joshua really likes to play in Isaac's has all the cool toys.  (But he also understands when it is time to leave Isaac's room, which is rather nice.)  He is getting good at doing puzzles...he has the translating part down and if the pieces is rotated +/- 45 degrees he can get it in the hole.  If it's rotated more than that he can't quite do it yet.  He still loves dancing and running and will often start some toy with music, run or dance, and then run back to the toy to start a song again once it finishes.  Joshua has started to pat the floor next to him when he wants you to sit there and play or read with him.

(Do you see Isaac above?)

Hmm...what else?  Drop off at daycare has gotten a little bit better.  He still loves his loveies.  He is always interested in what Isaac is doing.  He still tells us when he has pooped by pushing his belly button but doesn't want to sit on the toilet.  He is always excited to go see Ben in the morning.  And at night.


betsy said...

I keep meaning to ask you about sleeping... So glad you've made it to sleeping all night!!! Yay!!! Love reading all these updates. Can tell he's close in age to Leah... Many similarities :)

betsy said...

I keep meaning to ask you about sleeping... So glad you've made it to sleeping all night!!! Yay!!! Love reading all these updates. Can tell he's close in age to Leah... Many similarities :)