Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thursday: Birthday party!

Today was birthday party day!  Isaac was so excited.

Joshua was pretty cute too.

Isaac got a Magna Doodle - well, a different brand, same thing.  We have a tiny one and both boys play with it a lot.  Joshua has already enjoyed Isaac's present.

Before the party Joshua was playing a game that involved opening a door, skipping to the bathroom, skipping back, repeat.  I enjoyed the rhythm his feet made.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday: this and that

This morning Joshua wanted to draw.  He drew on paper, then on the chair, then on himself.  Happily, we used ultra washable markers and everything cleaned up easily.

We decorated Isaac's cake.  Well, I frosted, Isaac sprinkled.  We're collecting quite a collection of sprinkles, since it seems we get a new bottle every birthday along with some at Christmas.

Joshua worked on his "circuit" for about a half hour.  He needed help getting the pieces on the board, but did a lot of the other connections and all of the designing.

We also got the birthday balloons today, which were a hit as normal.  However, at dinner Ben mentioned that Helium is actually a non-renewable resource and that at current usage we have a surprisingly small amount left.  (Some estimates put it around 15 years.  It was shorter, but they just found a large deposit.  Hence why he knew this.)  I thought it was renewable/easily made...I'm not sure if we'll get any more helium balloons.  Party balloons make up 5-7% of the current usage, but it was unclear if the balloon helium is left over from the purification process for important applications or if some of it is used directly for balloons.  I know it's a small statement in a large economy, and might not even matter, but we can find other fun ways to decorate.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tuesday: bike, yesterday

Here's the family picture from yesterday. :)  I really like it.

Today we went to water the flowers by one of the association entrances.  Isaac rode his bike.  He did a pretty good job; he needed many pushes, but could keep his momentum pretty well.

On the way to the gym, we had the following conversation:
I: Will you be happy when you go to Jesusland?
A: Yes!  I'll see Jesus and Grandma Julie.
I: What if you and Dad die but Joshua and I are still here?
A: You'll live with Uncle Nathan and Aunt Liz.
I: In their house?
A: Yes, with Evelyn.
I: Someone else will be in our house?
A: Yes, it will be sold.
I: I won't have to go to the gym anymore?
A: Well, you might have to run and bike more.

...anything to get out of going to the gym.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday: ice cream

Today we started out with some light yard work.  I say light, but to Isaac it wasn't.

He didn't chop up the whole pile, but probably spent a good fifteen minutes cutting up the branches for me.  Joshua enjoyed playing.

The activity of the day was ice cream, so we went out for FroYo again, after the tree branches were all taken care of.

I told them it was time for ice cream, and after that about once every two minutes Joshua would say "Ice cream!"  ...just so that I didn't forget.  He also knows the sound of the ice cream truck, even though we've never gotten any from it, and likes to remind me about ice cream when he hears it.
The video is a bit hard to hear and understand, but then so is Joshua even when he says it "clearly"

Tonight the adults went out to celebrate Cheryl's birthday.  It was a lovely night.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday: J day

Today's activity was to have a J day.  Inspired by Joshua.

We did some jumping.  We ate jelly beans, pb & jelly, juice, and made some Jello.  We sang Jingle Bells and I've got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart.

And we made Duplo Js.  Isaac took pictures of them.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thursday: gymnastics final

Ready for a picture/video overload?  Joshua stayed with Cheryl so I could watch Isaac better on "Parent Day".  Isaac seemed so grown up.  He wasn't really all that good, but he understood what to do and gave it a good shot.

The time started with stretches.  (He's in the middle of the picture with his back to me.  Black shirt, orange socks.)

Then to the vault.

Next station was uneven bars

The thing I noticed here, although I saw it some at the vault, was that Isaac interacted with this other little boy.  Quite a bit, actually.  This might have been one of my favorite things to see.

Next up, floor and tumbling.  I missed getting the summersault, but then there were log rolls.

And finally the balance beams

Isaac does a dive off the vault.  Too much of Ben in him I guess.