Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday: tired

Today I was rather tired.  I'm not really sure why; besides not taking a nap (and some extra walking) yesterday I didn't do anything differently.  But I could not wake up and put the boys in front of the TV for a works well with Isaac, but only for a short while with Joshua.

Swimming lessons were the same; I feel as though the instructors should push Isaac more.  He says he doesn't want to do something and they don't push really hard.  I know they're trying to make them comfortable in the water, but it isn't what I was hoping for.  (I think these are better than the ones he took last year, but next year might be looking for a different place.  Although I expect when he's ready he'll do it, regardless of where he is.)

The rest of the day went fine.  Joshua seemed extra tired.  Isaac is still enjoying gymnastics and diving in the Olympics, but especially the rings.  It's a bit too bad as the rings are not one of the more popular events in the gymnastics and aren't shown a ton.  We has a huge mess in the living room as assorted toys are brought out during viewing.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday: quilt show

This afternoon I went to the big quilt show in Grand Rapids.  I went last year and didn't have enough time before I had to leave; this time I had plenty of time.  I was trying to figure out why...and I think there are two main reasons.  I didn't have as many things that I was looking to buy, so I didn't really spend much time in the vendor area.  I felt as though there were a lot of art/applique quilts, and while they are amazing they just don't interest me that much.

I did feel as though some of the quilts I've made were of similar quality to the ones shown...I always think that I should enter, but never have a quilt ready at the right time that isn't waiting to go somewhere else.  One of these years I probably will though, just to see if I even get in.

There was a lot of matchstick/straight line quilting in the modern quilts, and that surprised me a bit.  It actually made it a little boring.  There was some amazing quilting in the quilts as a ability is quite a ways away from many of those quilts.  I did notice that many quilts had microquilting (very dense) quilting so that other areas seemed to puff up in comparison.  I really liked it, and always have, but haven't done it much.  That's something I would like to do more.

I also enjoyed looking at the challenge pieces - challenge pieces are where quilters in a group all make a small quilt based on a theme.  They are (usually) not judged, but I find it so interesting how many people can take one or two sentences and come up with such different quilts.  I am actually working on a challenge piece at the moment, and since this post has no other pictures I'll show you were I was at the beginning of the month.  It has since then doubled in size and quilting just started this evening.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday: one of those days

It was just one of those days.  Not bad, but not great either.  I have a ton of things I should be doing, but I am not doing them.  I am doing other things that are good to be doing, but I also just don't want to do any of the things on my list.  So when I do have some time I don't necessarily work on getting caught up.

And several of the things of the list involve making decisions or talking to people and those items are harder for me...they aren't hard things to do, but I just don't like them as much.

update: maybe part of my problem is that I put foolish items like this on the list.  When do I expect this to be done...realistically?

Monday: misc

Today I learned that Isaac's favorite olympic event is gymnastics, specifically the rings.

Also, here is Joshua trying to pop some packaging with a wooden spoon.  Isaac was barely successful with an ice cream scoop, so I think Joshua thought anything from that drawer might work.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday: puddles and cleaning

There was one lone puddle in the church parking lot today.  (It's been a while since we've had any rain, and I think it was from the sprinklers.)  The boys are good about not stepping in it on the way into church, so I let them splash on the way out.

This afternoon Isaac was told to clean his room.  He procrastinated, knowing the consequence of not doing it would be to not be able to watch TV with the family while eating.  He decided to keep cleaning instead of eating when the time came...and it still took him a while to finish.  He was able to watch the last of the synchronized diving with us though.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Saturday: olympics

Today we watched a lot of Olympics.  We don't watch sports much, and I find them so interesting, so I'm not going to worry (too much) about how much TV we watch in the next two weeks.  We saw some rowing and some cycling this morning.  We saw a bit more cycling this afternoon and then quite a bit of gymnastics.  I thought Isaac might especially enjoy these since he did some gymnastics this summer.  I'm not sure he enjoyed them more than the other events, but he did note that his goal when jumping off the vault was to not hit his head...he would put his hands out in front of him first.

Then this evening Ben and I are watching assorted events on our computers.  It's weird how we can be watching the same thing but have slightly different things on our computers...often the times are off slightly, but sometimes one of us will get a "coverage will resume shortly" while the other person has some event going on.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

A bit ago: 55 months

Isaac is now a month older!

I think last month I mentioned that the why questions had restarted.  They're still going on, but with questions such as, "why did you say cool?"  "Why did you say yeah?"  The answer to all of these is that it is just a basic way of conversing so that you know that I've heard you.  The first few times it was fine to answer; the 50th was super annoying.

Chores are going pretty well.  He understands s-blends and enjoys saying the new ones that he's found during normal conversations (like spooky and sneak).  I think he's getting a lot better at saying them too.  He actually seems to enjoy putting the silverware away because he likes putting away the knives and scissors, which are up high.  Today he hung up his T-shirts by himself.  He still needs prompting to do his chores, but does them willingly.

He still likes to be silly.  He often tells Ben to have a "good wackadoodle" day in the morning and that "I hope you come home soon."  He tries to scare Ben and I often.  He got Ben once, but still hasn't succeeded with me.  Part of it is that he isn't sneaky, part of it is that I just often know where he is.

He loves to play, but is also happy to help me with several chores if they're at least a little fun.  This especially includes baking and cooking.  He really enjoys going to close beach.  He still runs a lot, often saying "za-za-zoom!!"  He also often has rockets on or his arms going in a certain motion make him go faster too.  I get a bit lost often, but nod and he runs off.

Isaac can now open the garage door (using the button by the door to the house) by himself.  It's quite a stretch, but he can do it.  He does not like water in his face.  He does like playing with Joshua, but Joshua still can't be in his bedroom unless Isaac and an adult are present.  He also likes trying to teach Joshua new words or ask him he tried to ask Joshua how many gummy bears were in his snack cup.  I didn't say anything, but was thinking that Joshua wouldn't know even if he could count to five.

He is still a lot of fun to be with.  I feel like there were less tears this month, which was awesome.  (A few when he was tired, but it was understandable.)  He can ask great questions and has a crazy memory of things we've done in the past.