Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday: tired

Today I was rather tired.  I'm not really sure why; besides not taking a nap (and some extra walking) yesterday I didn't do anything differently.  But I could not wake up and put the boys in front of the TV for a works well with Isaac, but only for a short while with Joshua.

Swimming lessons were the same; I feel as though the instructors should push Isaac more.  He says he doesn't want to do something and they don't push really hard.  I know they're trying to make them comfortable in the water, but it isn't what I was hoping for.  (I think these are better than the ones he took last year, but next year might be looking for a different place.  Although I expect when he's ready he'll do it, regardless of where he is.)

The rest of the day went fine.  Joshua seemed extra tired.  Isaac is still enjoying gymnastics and diving in the Olympics, but especially the rings.  It's a bit too bad as the rings are not one of the more popular events in the gymnastics and aren't shown a ton.  We has a huge mess in the living room as assorted toys are brought out during viewing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you could get together with Katherine. She has taught swimming lessons and is really good with kids in the water. She taught swimming to preschoolers and kindergarten-age children the last few months she was in India last year.

You are right about timing; it will all come together for Isaac when he's ready.

Annette B.