Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday: Joshua's package

Joshua got a package in the mail today.  I asked Isaac if he wanted to help Joshua open it.  They sat in the kitchen.

I: Ok Joshua, first I look for something loose to rip, like this flap.  Do you want to rip it?
J: Yes.
It rips, not much.
I: Next I use a scissors.  You need to put your fingers in the black circles and cut.  Ok?
J: Ok.
Joshua tries.  I'm not sure what he did; I couldn't see it.
I: It usually works better if you put the scissors in a flap.
J: oh.
I: Would you like me to do it?
J: Yes.
Isaac opens the package.
I: Then you take everything out!
Joshua takes some things out but gets distracted.  Isaac helps him finish the job.

My heart was melting.  It was the cutest thing ever.

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