Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday: 25 months

Joshua turned 25 months today.

Eating: Joshua has started eating a bit better.  He wanted seconds of pineapple today, which he hasn't touched before.  He still eats an apple piece and then spits it all out.

Talking: Joshua can communicate quite well now.  I'm still not sure that others would be able to understand him all that well, but he can get his point across to us.  It's nice to say, "Do you want to go to the grocery store or on a stroller ride?" and get a response.  His favorite phrase is "I got it."  It comes up when he actually has an object or when he's done something he wanted to do.

Toilet training: We haven't pushed this very hard, but Joshua does like to wear underwear.  If he poops he knows that he's supposed to go to the toilet, although he usually does it in the wrong order.  When he gets to wear underwear it's been a bit of a struggle to have him sit on the toilet, but I found that if I start counting he calms down (and often counts with me).  We count to about twenty, sometimes taking long breaks.  A lot of his toys are pooping right now and EE got to wear some underwear this week.

Activities: He enjoys dancing and music and running.  He likes to color...much more than Isaac does.  He still loves to play with circuits and Legos/Duplos.  He likes to read, but doesn't like to sit on your lap while reading.  This often means that books only get half read.

Misc: He realized that he can move chairs/stools around to get to light switches.  He likes getting Isaac's shoes for him.  He still carries Bear and Elephant around all over the place.  He loves robots and thinks that most things are robots, including the stand light in his room.  He says he's "scared" easily, but besides running to Ben or me he doesn't seem very scared.  He still listens for bears and sometimes makes bear noises.  Today at church he remember the place where we go on bear hunts.  He likes going down big slides.  He adores his brother.

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