Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday: 13th anniversary

Today is our 13th anniversary!  Dad (and Pat for a bit) watched the boys so Ben and I could get away for the night.  We went to a B&B in Grand Haven.  It was very nice.

(Hmm, my Google drive isn't seeing today's pictures of both of us.  Guess you'll have to wait until my computer and phone are talking again.)

Sunday: Mother's Day

I didn't get a picture with me and the boys, but it was a very nice day.  I got to sleep in.  The boys had gone to the store the day before to "pick out something Mom would like."  I ended up with Legos...and they're right, I do like them.

I also got a great quote from Isaac on the way to church.  We were talking about how, maybe when he's grandpa's age, he can go to the moon for a vacation.

"When I'm grandpa's age, I think Joshua will be a teenager."

Saturday: sprinklers

We got the sprinklers started on Saturday.  At the beginning, Isaac asked if he could run through them.  It was a cool morning, but I said yes anyway.  He usually doesn't like getting sprinkled and I thought it would be a short thing.

However, he had a great time.  Joshua followed him, and had a great time too!  Joshua got soaked, but everyone enjoyed getting the sprinklers started a bit more than normal.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday: yesterday

Amanda: Joshua, who was your special friend at school today?
Joshua: We win.
Amanda: We win?
Ben: ?
Amanda: Ah, Vivian.

They told me at pickup that the two spent the day together.  The friendship had been getting stronger over the last few weeks, but especially so yesterday.  I was even expecting Joshua to say Vivian, so was surprised that I didn't understand it properly.  They gave each other a nice hug when Joshua was leaving.

Isaac hasn't seemed to form quite such a close friendship, but lately he has been going to say good bye (again) to his friends after we get Joshua.  It's been nice to see that too.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday: worms

Today was a home day for me and a school day for the boys. :)  I did quite a bit of work, although some of it was fun work and some of it not so fun work.

One thing I did was deal with the dirt that the worms made over the last year.  The worms are thriving.  (So if anyone else wanted some worms, I'd be happy to give you some.)

I had tried to separate the worms from the old dirt.  I thought I could be smart by putting another bucket on top of the old one as they are supposed to want to move upwards.  I've had it there for a while, so all the fresh food is up there too.  That didn't really work though.  I took a little bit longer than I was hoping for and extracted some of the worms from the old dirt, moving them into the new dirt bin, but stopped caring after a while.  Sorry worms.  I was a little surprised at the amount of dirt that was already in the new bin after the transfer; I might need to do a transfer again at the end of the summer.

Anyway, I filled up about 1/3 of a bucket with dirt.  It's not a lot, but there is a small bare patch in the front lawn that completely and randomly died last summer.  I think I'll use the dirt and some grass seed and see if anything grows.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday: quilt show

Today we went downtown again, mainly for the quilt show.  However, I also had the boys dress up in their Dutch costumes.  Neither were all that excited about it, but Isaac did it somewhat willingly and Joshua did it somewhat unwillingly.

We got there a few minutes early and went off in search of some tulips. (Joshua's expression really shows how he felt about this whole ordeal.)

Isaac started to get into it at this point.

We went looking for some more.  Joshua had just seen a bus, which is why he isn't pouting in this one.

Isaac also wanted the side with the purple tulips.  I think Joshua saw a police car and everyone was pointing at it.

I was ready to be done, but Isaac was now on a mission to be photographed with every group of tulips that we saw.

We enjoyed the quilt show.  Joshua kept asking when it would start; I think he was expecting music.  Isaac enjoyed figuring out which two he liked the most.

They also got to see how some old sewing machines worked.  And Isaac got rather excited when I said he could submit his hole quilt next year if he ever finished it.

We saw the finalists for the year's theme painting.  (I actually know the winner, so that is rather cool.)

We stopped by The Studio, a place for kids to make stuff.  It looks pretty cool; I think we'll try and go sometime.

We got out of the Arts Council and found more picture opportunities.  I felt like I couldn't tell Isaac no, since I made him get dressed up specifically for pictures.

Then Joshua escaped behind a tree and declared, "I'm in a forest!"  Finally, I got a smile from him.

Joshua also really wanted me in a picture with these large shoes.  Notice how significant parts of the costumes are now missing. :)

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday: Tulip Time

It was nice out, so I took a short break from work to walk around the park.  Red tulips are my favorite.