Friday, June 2, 2017

Thursday: pronouns

I had the wrong funny story for Joshua earlier. It was funny, but you may have had to be there. Here is the conversation that has happened at least three times this vacation... E: she is saying something. Amy: no, Joshua is a boy, so you need to use 'he'. Joshua: woof woof Amanda: we know. You're actually a puppy.

Thursday: pepper and picnic tables

Amy: this table is so sturdy Mr. Brian could dance on it. Kids: whoa. Everyone finishes lunch. Brian comes home. Joshua, instantly: can you get on the table and sing? We had baked potatoes for dinner. Isaac discovered he likes pepper, or at grinding it. He put a spot of pepper on every bite, front and back, before eating it. He also said he put some pepper on a grape. It was good.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wednesday: playgrounds

Today we went to playgrounds!

In the morning we joined Amy with her playground group.  The boys played on the normal equipment, but there was also a bandshell to run around in. For several minutes Joshua would run, come back, give Bear a hug, give me a hug, and start the cycle all over again.

. After nap time we went to a park that had several different little playgrounds and a walking trail. I liked the trail, the boys liked the playgrounds. At the end the girls tried teaching Isaac how to climb a tree. I don't think he got much farther than what you see in the picture.
All in all, it was a lovely day. There were a few more tears than normal, but for the most part they were justified and due to minor injuries.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday: a first - motion sickness

The boys and I left on vacation today.  We were able to fly, which made the whole trip wonderfully shorter and less stressful.


I got air sick on the first leg.  I've been queasy a few times in the air, but usually don't get motion sick.  This time I did.  It was like the first three months of pregnancy...but only for an hour and a half.  (I'm not joking at is exactly what I felt like when pregnant.)

Joshua got sick on the second leg.  That was worse because he didn't tell me that he wasn't feeling good.  Yay for wet wipes.  We were pretty close to landing by the time I had everything cleaned was fine in the end. Bear had to go in the washer with everything else, but luckily Blue Bear was able to sub in without a problem.  And I didn't feel sick (mostly) during the second leg, so that helped a lot too.

But we were there so much faster!  It was worth it.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Monday: memorial day

We went to the Memorial day parade today.  Joshua clapped the whole time for everyone and it was sweet.  He might not yet understand why he's clapping, but he just kept on clapping.  The bands weren't too loud for him either, which surprised me a bit.  He wants to march in a parade next year.

Isaac also did an excellent job, waving the flag that he was given or clapping.

We went home and I touched up the deck with paint/stain.  (It's a weird combo.)  Isaac started helping me and I was glad for the company and the help, but he was all over the deck.  He left after about five minutes and I was able to finish much more methodically.  (In other news, the power washer started without significant problems.  Yay!)

We finished off the day with family for dinner.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday: thunk


Ben and I hear this in the office shortly after the kids have been put to bed.  It's loud.  We rush up the stairs and I'm expecting that someone fell out of bed.

We hear Joshua making noises and go in.  He's still in bed but starting to cry.  After a quick, confused glance around the room we discover that the light fixture, a hemisphere, had fallen off.  Both of us were surprised that a) it didn't break and b) it bounced.

I sat with Joshua for a few minutes while he recounted, several times and in detail, about how the light went boom when he was in bed and it was scary.  But I expect it was very scary and he was either just asleep or just about to fall asleep, a time when everything can be a bit scarier.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Saturday: manners

We're all playing Legos in the basement.

Joshua: I'd like pizza.
Ben: hmm, you didn't have a snack.
Amanda: Would you like to go get some fruit snacks?
Joshua: yeah!
Amanda: Can you ask Isaac if he would like some?
Joshua: Isaac, do you want some?
Isaac: No.
Ben: No thank you.
Isaac: No thank you.

Joshua is half way up the stairs.
Joshua: Thank you Dad.
Ben and I smile at the random thank you.
Joshua: Dad, do you want some fruit snacks?
Ben: sure

Several things interrupt him and he ends up downstairs before getting the fruit snacks.
Amanda: ok, did you want to get the fruit snacks now?
Joshua: yeah! and for Dad. But not Isaac.
Joshua: do you want some Mom?
Amanda: no thanks.