Friday, October 6, 2017

Isaac - 69 months

Isaac turned 69 months last week.

Kindergarten (as seen from home): The transition to kindergarten has gone much better than I had expected.  He has not seemed significantly more tired.  He usually isn't cranky.  He hasn't complained about have to go.  The small amount of homework that he does have (15 minutes a week) has been a bit hard.  He doesn't love doing it but is willing to do it.  He doesn't love to accept my instruction though, and as I try to give him tips on how to write a specific letter (especially his a's).

Kindergarten (as seen from school): Ben stopped by to meet Isaac's teacher since he wasn't able to make the 'meet the teacher' night.  She said that he is very respectful.  (While this isn't a surprise, it does contrast a story that we just heard yesterday.  Isaac mentioned that his clip wasn't moved.  (It's a warning clip if you do something wrong.)  He often mentions this, but I might have said something like, "has your clip ever moved?"  He said no, but once it almost did because someone accidentally ripped his paper and so he purposefully ripped the other person's paper.)  Overall he seems to be enjoying it.

Kindergarten: His favorite special is gym, followed by technology.  This surprised me a bit, but he likes running around.  His least favorite is art, because there's a lot of coloring.  We finally figured out the name of his long-description-named friend, as Ben and I have seen him and his family and caught the name.  They don't always play together, but still sometimes.  I think Isaac sometimes just plays with whoever is running around.  We hear about some parts of the day, although I'm pretty sure there are big gaps that we miss.

Play: Isaac still plays a lot of Legos.  He still plays with Joshua quite a bit.  Screen time is still much sought after, although the schedule has changed and he's adapted. 

Puppy: Isaac is still a puppy and woofs, but it hasn't been quite as much puppiness as sometimes.

I miss him at kindergarten, but I also feel like I still get to see him quite a bit.  I don't have as much to update on for this post, but I think we've settled into a good routine.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

whales at music class

Last week going to music class we started talking about the whale that swallow Jonah.  Joshua mentioned that it was a blue whale that swallowed him.  Ok, I thought.

Then we got to the class and suddenly it made sense.

This is the (blue) whale that ate Jonah.

This is the grey whale that didn't swallow Jonah.

This past week we were again talking about the whales.  The blue whale was in the ocean, but the grey whale wasn't.  I tried to convince him that all whales are in the ocean, but he wasn't convinced.  We got to the class and suddenly it made sense...the grey whale is on top of the water.  Did you notice it before it was mentioned?

I don't completely understand how he can't remember the letters of his name but he can remember exactly what these whales look like.  I expect there's a reason though.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Joshua: 38 months

Joshua turned 38 months a week ago.

Favorites: this month has been a month for favorites.  He's had a favorite color (green) for a while.  He has a favorite dress of mine (the long green one).  He has favorite shirts (t-shirts with rockets, long sleeves with with robots/controller).  He has favorite books (it often changes, but is currently a Lego gold mine one).  He has a favorite treat (Starbursts). His favorite restaurant is McDonald's for chicken nuggets.

School: school has gotten better now that we're into the routine.  It was never bad, but he is always a bit sadder when I drop him off than Isaac was.

Playing: he still plays Puppy Dog all the time.  He does it in a squeaky voice and in third person.  He likes doing anything with Isaac, taking bike rides, playing with Duplos/Legos, reading, and running around.  He enjoys his music class.

skills: Joshua has mostly mastered getting his own clothes on, but the underwear and shorts often end up backwards.  Shoes and sandals are hit and miss, depending on our moods.  However, there are times when he is incapable of getting up off the floor.  He can put on his car seat straps and can open the fridge.  He can also get water from the fridge.

tantrums: we've had some epic tantrums this month.  Well, epic for our family.  It usually starts with one small thing going wrong and then Joshua can't get himself back under control and it spirals out.  He has some ways of dealing with it, such as tasty water or putting himself in timeout, but it doesn't always work.  (I think he's put himself in timeout more than I have lately.)

letters: he can recognize J and O well.  He sometimes can get T, I, and S.  Otherwise he just guesses P, T, or B.  We're working hard on the letters in his name.

Overall, he's usually a very happy kid and fun to be with.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday: a bit better

Today went a bit better than yesterday.  Several things got resolved and only a few new issues came up. 

The whole family was horsing around this evening before dinner...

Isaac: Isaac!
Amanda: huh?
Isaac: er, Joshua!  I need some help!

He got himself mixed up with his brother. :D

Ben and Isaac went to a thing at Isaac's school.  They sat by his friend who no longer has a long name because Isaac has seen him in four places now.  Isaac was wearing a name tag from a field trip, and so the other boy wasn't introduced.  We know his name starts with a C though.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Monday: it was

Today was.  It had it's fine parts.  It had it's bad parts.  It had a few good parts, although the general stress of the day toned those down a bit.  Nothing huge, just normal life things.

But I made it and tomorrow is a new day and we'll try again.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sunday: bedtime

Isaac has about a zillion bedtime routines.  His latest, with me, is to lay on my back while I read.

One reason he likes it is because he's already situated for bounces afterwards.  He loves being bounced after reading.  I tried to avoid it for a while and just let Ben do it, but it didn't work.  Our bounce styles are quite different, but it works for Isaac.

Saturday: overbooked

This week my plan was to get groceries on Friday.  Thursday rolled around and we really needed groceries, especially milk.  Well, that's when I realized that I had plans on Friday.  Well, it wasn't so much that I realized I had plans as that I realized I couldn't do both things.  I had been fully planning on doing both. 

Oh well.  I'll get groceries on Monday, I thought on Thursday.

Today I realized that I have plans on Monday.

So...Wednesday for groceries?  We might need to make an "emergency" run after school one day for some fruit and donuts.

Isaac didn't want pizza for dinner so I told him he had to make his own dinner then.  (I figure that pizza isn't all that healthy, so there's no reason to require him to eat it.)  He made a peanut butter/nutella/honey/lemon curd sandwich as was so excited about it.  It only took him about ten minutes to make, but he can do it!