Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday: almost vacation

The kids were in school today and Ben took a vacation day.  I did productive stuff in the morning for a bit.  We went out for lunch.  I took a nap.  The children got home and had some play time, screen time, and Lego time.  We ate dinner and then it was time for them to go to bed.  I did some quilting.  And the lovely day was done.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday: kayak

Joshua and I took a kayak out for the first trip of the season.  I forgot how wet it gets, but it was very warm so it was ok.  Joshua thought that the ...drain holes?...that go through the kayak were fish talking to him.

Tuesday: cavities

Isaac had a dentist appointment today to fill some cavities.  It was the easiest thing ever.  They didn't numb him or give him gas or anything.  We were there for 20 minutes and then he was done with no restrictions.  Boom boom boom and we were out.

I wish dealing with my cavities as a kid had been that easy.  Yay for technology.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


At the sort-of last minute we were invited to go camping with some friends this past weekend.  They had been planning on going with some others who were unable to make it and had a trailer rented.  So pretty much all we had to do was show up and it was awesome.  It was like luxury camping.  Yes, there was A/C.  And a freezer.  And a bathroom.  And enough room to stand up in.  But we were also outside more than we would have been at home and had an excellent time.

Friday night was a wagon ride.  Nothing all that exciting, but the boys were excited about it.

The boys also spent hours at the playground.  We did a lot of "can you find your way back to the trailer from here?" over the weekend.  Isaac could find his way back from the playground pretty quickly and Joshua could too by the second day.  Most of the time we just let them go and come back as desired.

Squirters were a big hit for all the kids.

This tree got squirt especially a lot.

Ben and I read a lot. :)

One downside to the campground is that since they are in a residential area they are rather strict on when you can and can't have fires.  We only had a fire one night, so we made sure to have hobo pies and s'mores.

CC stopped by on Sunday!

Joshua wanted his picture by these flowers.

Magnet blocks were a big hit.  These boys really do love their blocks.

We also finally got an anniversary picture.

We had lots of ice cream throughout the weekend.  There was also a great candy store that we all loved.

Monday was hot hot hot.  We had ice cream (above) and slowly got ready to leave.  We were all packed up, played a game of mini golf, and then took off.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Monday: funny things

I'll talk about camping soon, but in the meantime the boys were especially funny today.

1. We were playing mini golf and I told Joshua he couldn't touch the decorations.  He asked if he could touch the bricks around the edge of the holes.  I said yes, as of course you can touch those and he had been balancing on them earlier.  Right after I said that, on his way to the next hole, he bends down to touch one.  Almost like he was defying me...except that it was ok.

2. Isaac was talking about water bottles on the way home and how the one he was using had a good seal.  I said, "arf arf arf."  Ben said, "ARF ARF."  Two minutes later Isaac bursts out laughing, saying that he gets the joke.

3. As part of Joshua's bedtime routine, the adult has to fill up his water bottle so that he can hide under his blanket.  Ben read to him and left the room, bringing Joshua's other blanket with him.  I hid under the blanket and brought him the water.  I had to say "no" in a low voice a few times, and then I left the room.  Ben went back under the blanket.  Joshua pulled the blanket of Ben and said, "WHAT?!?  You were pretending to be Mom?!?!"  Ben told him it was a trick and that it had been me, and for the next several minutes he mumbled to himself about the trick.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday: outside

Joshua and I were outside for a bit and he decided that he wanted to mop the driveway and run up and down the hills.  I sat in the shade and watched. :D

Next up, camping!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday: friends and naps

This morning we had no plans.  No plans tends to be a problem for me, so I checked in with a friend to see if they were available.  They were!  Joshua and I spent a happy morning at a different location playing and taking a walk.

On the way home Joshua fell asleep.  I was a bit annoyed, but then decided to work with it.  I unbuckled him, opened the car door and the garage door, made him a lunch, and took a nap myself.  It really worked out very well.  He woke up and came in.  I called to him to come find me, but he found his lunch instead.  By the time he finished his lunch it was screen time.  Ta-da!  It almost never works out that well.

Ice skating went pretty well today.  Joshua just did his own thing on the ice.  I decided I'm fine with that.  The teacher checked in with him a few times and tried to get him to participate, but he didn't want to.  He's skating and half of learning at this point is just practicing.  Isaac again doubled his speed and it only took him two minutes to get across the short dimension of the rink.  I saw his form getting better...a few more bent knees and a few times with one foot off the ice.