Tuesday, May 29, 2018


At the sort-of last minute we were invited to go camping with some friends this past weekend.  They had been planning on going with some others who were unable to make it and had a trailer rented.  So pretty much all we had to do was show up and it was awesome.  It was like luxury camping.  Yes, there was A/C.  And a freezer.  And a bathroom.  And enough room to stand up in.  But we were also outside more than we would have been at home and had an excellent time.

Friday night was a wagon ride.  Nothing all that exciting, but the boys were excited about it.

The boys also spent hours at the playground.  We did a lot of "can you find your way back to the trailer from here?" over the weekend.  Isaac could find his way back from the playground pretty quickly and Joshua could too by the second day.  Most of the time we just let them go and come back as desired.

Squirters were a big hit for all the kids.

This tree got squirt especially a lot.

Ben and I read a lot. :)

One downside to the campground is that since they are in a residential area they are rather strict on when you can and can't have fires.  We only had a fire one night, so we made sure to have hobo pies and s'mores.

CC stopped by on Sunday!

Joshua wanted his picture by these flowers.

Magnet blocks were a big hit.  These boys really do love their blocks.

We also finally got an anniversary picture.

We had lots of ice cream throughout the weekend.  There was also a great candy store that we all loved.

Monday was hot hot hot.  We had ice cream (above) and slowly got ready to leave.  We were all packed up, played a game of mini golf, and then took off.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Great pictures! Looks like fun weekend!!!