Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday: surprise

Joshua and Isaac have enjoyed some wands and they are hidden.  I don't know where they all are.  I thought that two of them were in our bedroom, so I conned Joshua into helping me clean our bedroom under the pretense of looking for the wands.

(Side note: If I give my wand to the boys I can become a good guy.  I've decided to join the cats' team so that I can still be on Ben's team because apparently Ben hasn't earned his spot on the boys' team yet.  I'm 100% going to take up that offer.)

The other part of the plan to help look for the wands was to move all the furniture.  Ben and I had jokingly discussed this a few nights ago, as we were wondering why our quilt has been sliding down the foot of the bed.  Ben mentioned that we should flip the bed around so that the quilt slides up instead.  I took that as approval that I could move the furniture.

Is it completely clean?  No.  But I did move quite a bit of stuff that didn't belong in our bedroom to a different place.  The easy to clean stuff has been taken care of.  As with all clean rooms, it feels better than it did.  Oh, and we found one of the two missing wands.

In other news, I got Joshua to do the penguin dance that he does at school.  It's like 'Father Abraham' in that you keep adding different body Joshua did the last part when all of the body parts have been added.  (There's also a real possibility that I should have cleaned the kitchen instead of the bedroom, but the kitchen always needs to be cleaned.)

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thursday: breakfast

It was a pretty normal day today, but since I needed to drop Ben off at his car in the morning we first went out to breakfast.

Well, first we dropped off the boys.  Ben got to enjoy being loved "infinity carrot infinity" and got to see the 'I love you moose' dance.  When we were walking Joshua in Joshua ran up to take Ben's hand and gave him the largest smile ever.  Joshua was so happy that his dad was dropping him off too.

And we had a rather nice breakfast.

update: success!  The cats have slept with Joshua a few times (much to his chagrin), but they've never stayed with Isaac (who really wants it).  Ben's been on a campaign to get Tornado to stay with Isaac and it finally worked.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wednesday: busy day

Today started with plans to get many small chores done, go to karate, go to lunch, and take a nap. 

I did get my many small chores done.  There were a lot of really short things on my list that were taking a while to actually finish.  Tornado followed me around and it was fun.

I went to karate (11-11:45m), and then got a call from Ben that his appointment got moved up to 12:30 and I needed to be there.  (Well, there were some other options but they weren't as ideal.)  I scrambled to get there and, as normal, they were running late.  Well, we did that, picked up a very late lunch, ate it while waiting for a train, was at home for five minutes, and went to pick up the kids.

I was rather tired so I gave the boys extra screen time and took a nap.

I had a hard time waking up.  I fed them dinner though.  I felt oddly proud of myself for feeding them.

Then Dad came over to change out the garbage disposal.  It went pretty well.

I picked up Isaac from cadets and got the kids down.  A successful day, although rather crazy.

Tuesday: 5.5

Today was Joshua's 5 1/2 birthday and I think he enjoyed it.  We brought in some (store-bought) cookies to school and he said that everyone got 5, along with a larger oatmeal raisin cookie (that they were going to have for snack anyway).  I thought there was going to be a hat, but I guess that didn't happen.

After picking up Isaac we got our Valentines.  They both chose Sour Patch Kids.  Maybe because they've been talked about recently on the podcast that we're listening to?  Or maybe they just like them.  Isaac also got some more perler surprised me a bit, but he was fine with buying them himself.

And Joshua got his cake.  It took him about one breath per candle to get them all blown out.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday: with Joshua

It's Joshua's 5 1/2 birthday tomorrow and he is so excited.  I hope it doesn't disappoint.

We got some cookie packs for his class.  It was a large shopping trip today.

We got a little cake for us at home tomorrow.  He wanted to bring it in from the car, so we dug through the grocery bags in order to find it so he could bring that single item in the house.  Once I got the cold stuff put away, making the cake was the highest priority.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday: stuffed animals

Why do you need so many stuffed animals in your house?  So you can use them for obstacle courses.  Today they made an obstacle course down the stairs, in our bed (i.e., a huge pile), and around the living room.

After dinner some video games were played.  Joshua had a lot to say about what he thought was happening and what should be done.  And he always sits on Ben's lap when the games are being played.  It's as though it's a that Ben doesn't complain about at all.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Saturday: play

Isaac and Joshua were playing some game with Rhino hero.  Suddenly Joshua was in 'prison' and said that he was hungry.  What does Isaac feed him?  Gruel.  Where did that word come from?  I guess it must be a fairy tale thing, but I was so surprised to hear it coming out of his mouth.

We went to a thing at the library called 'edible science.'  There was an egg thing (video) and we made our own butter.  The butter thing was really quite took a lot of shaking but it was interesting how it suddenly changed phases.