Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday: surprise

Joshua and Isaac have enjoyed some wands and they are hidden.  I don't know where they all are.  I thought that two of them were in our bedroom, so I conned Joshua into helping me clean our bedroom under the pretense of looking for the wands.

(Side note: If I give my wand to the boys I can become a good guy.  I've decided to join the cats' team so that I can still be on Ben's team because apparently Ben hasn't earned his spot on the boys' team yet.  I'm 100% going to take up that offer.)

The other part of the plan to help look for the wands was to move all the furniture.  Ben and I had jokingly discussed this a few nights ago, as we were wondering why our quilt has been sliding down the foot of the bed.  Ben mentioned that we should flip the bed around so that the quilt slides up instead.  I took that as approval that I could move the furniture.

Is it completely clean?  No.  But I did move quite a bit of stuff that didn't belong in our bedroom to a different place.  The easy to clean stuff has been taken care of.  As with all clean rooms, it feels better than it did.  Oh, and we found one of the two missing wands.

In other news, I got Joshua to do the penguin dance that he does at school.  It's like 'Father Abraham' in that you keep adding different body Joshua did the last part when all of the body parts have been added.  (There's also a real possibility that I should have cleaned the kitchen instead of the bedroom, but the kitchen always needs to be cleaned.)

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