Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wednesday: it was supposed to be relaxing?

Wednesday is the day I don't have kids and I don't have to work.  I'll admit, I wasn't really expecting a relaxing day per se.  Nor was my day...anti-relaxing.  But at the end of it (er, at the boys' bedtime) I was done and a bit surprised about it.

Let's see.  I did get several things crossed off my to-do list today.  Ten, to be exact.  Several of them were short, and several were put on about an hour before I did them.  But they were on the list and I crossed them off!

Ben wasn't feeling great so I brought the boys to church dinner on my own.  It started out ok.  We talked about things the boys would like to do over the summer.  (I'm starting to get into vacation and activity planning mode.)  That lasted most of the meal and was interesting.  Then.  Then!  Then they started singing the ABCs.  Then they sang the ABCs wrong.  Then they sang it wrong a different way.  Then they sang it correctly on accident.  So they had to sing it wrong again.  Enough!  But for some reason putting a stop to it didn't work as well as normal.  (I'll admit, trying to stop someone from saying letters is pretty funny as you suddenly can't say "I see a bee."  But even that didn't stop.)

For some reason that somewhat snapped the rest of the night for me.  I made it.  Ben put the boys to bed, which I was thankful for.  I was done, even though most of the day was good. 

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