Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday: this and that

'Twas a pretty normal Friday.

I defeated an underwater boss with the help of Puppy the Mouse.
I worked on a Lego set.
I did some errands.
I did the laundry.  (Surprisingly, I did all the laundry.  I even got most of it folded.  It was a bit sad though, because my banister was only laundry free for about 14 hours.  I even took a picture of it it was so nice.)

I went to the library.  Joshua built a place for Haroldina.

I attacked the boys.  I was attacked by the boys.  Boys were thrown on the bed, told to stay there, but didn't.

I got frustrated over things that I shouldn't have been frustrated over.

I took a nap.

I played Dominion with some friends.


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