Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tuesday: snow

 I came out of work today to go run around town...first to pick up Joshua, then Isaac, then to rock climbing.  But wait a minute!  There was a ton of snow on the ground!  I knew some snow was expected, but I was expecting flurries.

It takes a few minutes longer to get to Joshua than I was hoping, but not too bad.  BUT THEN!  I sat in the parking lot trying to get out for twenty minutes.  I was about ready to strangle someone.  There didn't seem to be the normal traffic directors and everyone was going slow because of the snow and I don't think people were "merging" nicely.  I didn't let anyone cut in ahead of me after the first ten minutes.  I know it was a bit mean but they also weren't trying to get through the line from the very back of the parking lot, letting everyone in.  If I had picked Joshua up the other way I could have been out in ten minutes.  For reference, it usually takes about three minutes.

So I was about a half hour late picking up Isaac by the time I dealt with the slow traffic on the way to get him.  Now, the teachers were super nice about it and the kids were nice about it and I knew he was safe, but I couldn't quite get out of my own head.  Almost.  I almost calmed down, but not quite.

We went to rock climbing and the driving conditions had improved a lot by that time.  Joshua used Isaac's guest pass for the month...he enjoys being belayed due to the fun drops I can give him on the way down.  I don't blame him as I do try to make them fun.

The kids played outside for a little bit before dinner.  They tried to cover up the front window with snow, but it kept sliding off.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday: finishing up

I finished up a lot of little things today and it felt good.  I completely finished the little storage room in Operation: Clean the House.  I don't have pictures, but it feels so much better when I walk in there.  Next up, the basement bathroom!  The garage is ready to store the bike that's down there.

A few weeks ago I bought a king sized blanket for our bed to replace one that was currently on there.  We've had that one for so long and it always felt too small: it wouldn't easily cover my shoulders.  It still makes me happy every night when I go to bed.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday: surprises

I woke up today and Joshua declared it was Grey Bear's birthday.  Since I didn't have anything on the calendar, today is now officially Grey Bear's birthday.  We had orange cinnamon rolls since it was a last minute notice.

I was cutting Joshua's hair and we were talking and I forgot to put the #4 thingy on the razor.  So now he has a stripe on the back of his head.  I felt so bad but he was so, so nice about it.  He has a plan if someone asks him about it at school.  We'll give it a week to grow out and next weekend I'll see if I can blend it in better.

We went to visit Grandma at her new home.  Although she isn't super happy about her new place, she did seem to be in good spirits.  We found the piano and she played for a little bit.

Saturday: shots

 We had a mostly normal day today, other than that we got our flu shots.  It was such a little poke.  Isaac and Joshua were both a bit scared, but realized afterwards that it's just the lead-up to it that's the worst.  They did fine.  We also made them give their birthdates for practice.  Apparently it's something we need to practice more.

Afterwards we finally got donuts.  I've struck out the last two times I've tried.

Joshua finished his Lich King (from Minecraft) recently:

...and became a panda?  I was just told to take a picture.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday: getting stuff done

I finally managed to get some stuff done this week.  (I know, that's a false statement.  But it's how it feels.  Having a routine colonoscopy doesn't feel like I actually did anything, although maybe I should put it on my to do list next time so that I can cross it off.)  I finished winter prep and got all the stuff to their winter positions.  I did all the laundry.  I finished several small chores.

Isaac had a good time at camp and was rather talkative about it.  That was nice.  He got me a mug as a souvenir.  I teased him that it was a reminder of when he left me and had a good time, but it was still a really nice gesture.  Everyone was rather tired tonight, although I'm not sure why Joshua and I were so tired.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday: pumpkin

Isaac is gone at 6th grade camp today and tomorrow, so Joshua and I decided to carve a pumpkin after school.

Joshua made a cat pumpkin.  I made a small cat on the back, because I didn't really feel like I needed a pumpkin all to myself.  First a drilled a small hole and it went really well!  So I went with a bigger drill bit...and the pumpkin slightly exploded.  Pumpkin pieces went all over the place.  So next time, only small holes.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wednesday: trunk or treat

We visited trunk or treat at church today.  We went right at the beginning and that was a great idea: when we left a half hour later the line was about ten times longer.  I don't have any pictures of the kids.  Isaac went as a wizard.  He had made a lego wand that lit up with a button.  Joshua was Squirtle again.

One spot was giving out things for the adults: hot chocolate and flowers.

Isaac and Joshua also got this fun picture during kitty play.