Saturday, October 1, 2011

Friday: rain

Today I went for a walk with the added bonus of doing an errand. (For some reason, NY thinks it needs its license plates back.). When I left, it was beautiful, sunny day. When I stepped out of the store ten minutes later, I felt two raindrops. The sky didnt look like a rain sky, so I continued on my way, hurrying as much as I could.

A block from home it started to rain harder. I took refuge under a tree, and debated whether I should continue walking because under the tree would soon be wet or if I should wait. Then the sun came out and the rain let up slightly, so I continued.

There is a good chance this is a "you had to be there" story.


Dee said...

Re: the plates: NY is excessively picky about that. (and other things motor vehicle related.) the state has so much fraud that they're very strict. (Ah, the joys of working in insurance ;)

Amanda said...

Dee - we almost recycled them, only to get the letter about two weeks later. Good thing we didn't get rid of them.