Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday: apples, leaves, and appendages

I finished off all the apples today in applesauce. Some were getting a little soft, but they were all still good for applesauce.

We raked the front yard. It was nice because here you just rake the leaves into the street and the front yard isn't very big, so it was an easy raking job. However, I'm not sure the tree appreciated the wonderful job we did as leaves started cluttering up the lawn again as soon as we were done.

I had my hand on my stomach in just the right place to feel a good kick (or hit) this evening. The cool part of this was that I could tell it was a real appendage because I could feel a difference between appendage and no appendage. Usually it just feels like a bump with no discrete difference. I completely interrupted the conversation Ben and I were having and then we had a hard time remembering where we had left off.

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