Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday: touching

I've heard a lot of "Mom, make Joshua stop touching me" lately.  Most of the time it is Joshua trying to get Isaac to play with him in a toddler way, which Isaac just sees as annoying.

But then, maybe once or twice a day, they get along.  Once today they ran around the couch, chasing each other.  Once was at story time, when Joshua bumped into Isaac's knee and Isaac just put his hand around Joshua.  (However, it only lasted a minute and then Joshua didn't want to be confined by his brother's hand and Isaac didn't want to be touched anymore anyway.)

I pray quite hard that this relationship is one that flourishes.  I'd like it to be strong, and think it is more important than having a good relationship with Ben and me.  But it will take some time. :)


betsy said...

What a wonderful thing to pray for!

betsy said...

What a wonderful thing to pray for!