Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday: kids

Hmm.  I feel like my blog posts are pretty much all about the kids lately.  To be fair, I am with them a lot.  I'm just going to go with it, I guess.

Joshua ran into a wall corner today.  I was a bit surprised that there was no blood when I picked him up.  I was especially surprised five minutes later when I got a good look at the looks like it should have bled but must have just missed puncturing the skin.  I do find it rather funny that the bruise is a line.  We know exactly where he hit the wall.

Isaac is getting better in the kitchen.  Yesterday was his first time pouring by himself.  (There wasn't a lot of extra in the bottle so I knew that even if he spilled it wouldn't be a disaster.)  Today he did a pretty good job of scooping some spices from their jars.  For some reason he doesn't completely seem to understand that you need to fill up the spoon with the spice before it's enough, but we're working on it.

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