Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday: counting backwards

It often goes like this:

Isaac: How many days until Busy World?
Amanda gives some number that is probably higher than the real one.
Isaac: Can you could from that number to 1?
Amanda: 80, 79, 78...

Today Ben was in the car too and suddenly said, "You missed 44!"
I told him counting backwards from such a large number is hard.  My cadence is all messed up...I usually emphasize the multiple of ten number and take a breath after it.  But if I take a breath between, say 31 and 30 it feels weird.   But if I take a breath between 30 and 29 I don't emphasize the multiple of ten.

I told him to try it.  He did it with no problem at all.

So what about you?  Easy or hard?


betsy said...

Ha. Busy world is a good name :) when do you go again?

betsy said...

Ha. Busy world is a good name :) when do you go again?