Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday: Joshua's birthday party

Today was Joshua's birthday party!  He was grumpier than usual for most of the day, but the appearance of Buzz and family helped him get in a better mood.  Phew.

Due to a busy week last week we went with pizza for dinner as it is super easy.  We added strawberries and crunchy beans as those are two healthy(ish) things he'll sometimes eat.

He was having a hard time posing for pictures.  

Then I said, "Where's Isaac?  He can usually make you laugh."  And Joshua immediately put his hands in the "where" position and started looking for, and walking to, Isaac.

He opened Buzz first, which was probably a mistake.  He loves Buzz and wouldn't open any more presents until it was in his hands.  We didn't make it through all the presents, but the car seat and swing wouldn't have any immediate fun so they were postponed.

Donuts for dessert!  Both boys love donuts as much as I do, and it made for an easy dessert.


betsy said...

Donuts for dessert is a much easier idea than cake! And pizza- love it! Gotta ask- what are crunchy beans? And tell me about the car seat... You aren't just passing along Isaac's as he moves up? We have that buzz here and it's been a big hit for a long time :)

betsy said...

Donuts for dessert is a much easier idea than cake! And pizza- love it! Gotta ask- what are crunchy beans? And tell me about the car seat... You aren't just passing along Isaac's as he moves up? We have that buzz here and it's been a big hit for a long time :)