Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday: VBS and 2nd birthday!

"Happy Birthday, Joshua!" I said this morning.  "You're two now!"
"No, no!  Stop!"  he replied.
"I kind of feel the same way about it." I responded

Then we went to VBS.  Twas another fine day.  Isaac and Joshua made the picture roll.

I remained somewhat elusive.  I was in this group shot...I'm sure... (if not, at least it reminds me of how big this even really is.)

I am in this one...the second head down from the top left.  My helper and the boys of the group are also in it.  ( can also see Isaac's shoulder in the bottom right.)

And I'm sneaking in behind my helper for this one

Later in the day Ben said, "Happy Birthday Joshua!"  He again responded with a "No!"  We gave him some ice cream to celebrate anyway.


betsy said...

That's funny! Happy birthday, Joshua! Sorry we missed the actual day!

betsy said...

That's funny! Happy birthday, Joshua! Sorry we missed the actual day!