Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday: VBS, naps, worms

VBS again went well today.  They finally got all the pictures up.  I managed to miss the three I saw of my group, but Isaac got in a few...

Sitting in the pew in the sanctuary.  There is a T-shirt on the chair; on the back it say 4s.  He's in the 4 year old orange group.

You can barely see him here; he's in a red shirt on the left.  The 4s and Ks sometimes travel by rope and it really is the cutest thing.  (Although really, it might be good for my fourth graders too!  The group kept splitting up...but at the same time, it also kept coming back together without any problems.)

I took this one this morning.  In the very middle there is a kid in a light blue shirt holding an orange sign above his head.  That's Isaac.

Naps: we all took a nap today, even Isaac.  Joshua and I have been taking really good naps and we've been putting the boys to bed a little early this week, but I guess Isaac needed a bit more sleep.  This doesn't happen very often.  (Although now he's awake really could be a problem again tomorrow!)

Worms: My worms are doing really well!  I checked on them today and they were all over the place.  A week or two ago I could always find worms, but it might take me a few cardboard flips to find them.  This time I would flip over some cardboard and see a whole bunch!

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