Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Isaac: 63 months

Isaac turned 63 months a week ago.

Language: Isaac loves rhyming.  The beginning of last month he just figured out how it works too...he went from asking, "Does clothes and clothes line rhyme?" to "bear care sare zare!  A rhyme!"  He doesn't always rhyme real words, but he has the concept down.  He's also noticed that many songs have rhymes in them and is very intrigued by that.

Legos: Isaac is loving Lego sets right now.  Finding time for the digger is one of his priorities first things in the day.  He currently has three other ones going because they always look shiny.  He does a really good job putting them together.

Jesus: His faith is growing, and it's interesting to see what he picks up on.  He tells me that he loves me infinities of infinities of infinities much, and Jesus an infinity more.  One afternoon at Legoland I told him to think about sleeping for his nap, and he told me he was thinking about Jesus.

surprises: Isaac loves surprises.  I've been trying to not tell him the more fun things that we are going to do that day.

imagination: Isaac does not lack for imagination.  The other day at school I needed to wait about five minutes while he finished a project.  It was a potion, for Giraffe, that needed to be cooked so that Giraffe could gain a power.  (There was a specific power, but I don't remember what it was.)  He made a hanger (with a 3M hook) and made the fire.

School: speaking of school, Isaac is still enjoying school.  I'm not sure there is much academic advancement going on, but I'm sure he's solidifying concepts and learning other things.  I have noticed that he is suddenly coloring in the lines much better and seems to care about what color things are.

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