Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday: bike ride and quotes

We went for a bike ride today.  I told Isaac we could go to a nearby playground if he rode his bike.  Last time we did this, he got about a quarter of the way and gave up.  This time he did it quite well!  He does seem to go much faster on bike paths/sidewalks than on the streets.  He also started to enjoy hills after I encouraged him through the first one.  The total ride was 2.6miles.  I set his training wheels so that he wobbled a bit more...they're not at their maximum wobbliness yet, but I wanted him to get used to the back and forth of them first.

Isaac found this pretty picture while at the playground.

And our quotes for the day...
Ben: where are you going to drive?
Joshua: to my office.
Ben: What are you going to do at your office?
Joshua: make circuits and build a house

Isaac is doing a sloth hang from a bar for the first time at gymnastics.  He's the first one to do it, so everyone is watching.
Teacher: ok Isaac, you can get down.
Teacher: Isaac, you can get down.
Isaac: I don't know how to get down.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Is it hard to balance with Joshua on your bike and if he getting close to too big for it? I always walk / stroller Leah but Ethan's getting pretty fast on his bike now and has to wait for us often...