Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday: 15 years

It's been 15 years since Mom died.  As is often the case lately, I don't have anything all that special to say.  It was a rather busy day, which was a bit annoying because I just felt disconnected more than normal.  Not sad with specific memories, just a general sad feeling.

Anyway, I found some pictures of her when she had a five year old and a 2 1/2 year old.  Because why not.


Heather D. said...

I don't have anything special to say either, but want you to know I'm thinking of you! Thanks for posting the pictures.

CHilldore said...

What a nice thing to remember your mom in the time of life that you are now in! Was thinking of you yesterday especially!!

Mom H

betsy said...

I totally missed this. Sorry. I love seeing the pictures. She would be so proud of you raising your kids (with similar age gaps to her own- very cool). Love you!