Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday: lost and found

At the beginning of the day, we had a pretty long list of things we were "keeping our eyes out for."  (This is what we say when someone wants something but we can't easily find it.)

It included:
*Grey Bear
*Foot warmer
*Book with pipes
*Book with Super Rabbit Boy

Well, I managed to find three of them today.  The lovies were in their suitcases from a game...luckily I didn't just put the luggage down in storage to be found in a month.  The book with pipes was found in the book shelf, but kind of hiding and not on a shelf with books.

However, we lost another lovie, Pokeball.  It has (sadly) taken over for Grey Bear since Great Wolf Lodge.  Such things have happened in the past, but usually within a week Joshua's back to Grey Bear.

If Joshua were here and we were talking about lost lovies, he'd also bring up Spike.  Spike was a happy meal toy that was rather small but had sparkly eyes.  Spike was tossed up into the air in the office and hasn't been seen since.  We put a medium amount of effort into looking too.  Did I mention that we lost Spike about two years ago?  I'm always surprised by the things they remember.  I expect that we'll find it when we're moving out of the house and we'll make sure to get it to Joshua.

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