Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday: windows, parent-teacher conferences

After school we drove home with the windows open and the boys were thrilled.  Joshua was excited to finally be able to reach the buttons.  Then he was excited to stick his hand out the window.

(I had pictures of this, but blogger is being dumb and not grabbing the pictures.)
(I had more pictures but blogger is having issues and I was lucky to get even one tonight.)

We had parent-teacher conferences with Isaac's teacher this evening.  Like last time, Isaac does what he's supposed to be doing and, while quiet, participates appropriately.  (Apparently it's a loud class so she was wondering if he's overwhelmed a bit.  We don't see it, but I'll ask leading questions.)  His math testing score is still very high and he's doing well in reading too.  Writing on the other hand...he takes his time.  This seems to be a common theme with stuff he doesn't really enjoy, both at school and at home.  Sometimes it's excessive, sometimes it's just long.  We're not sure why, since at school he is working the whole time.  Is he thinking?  Is he daydreaming?  Is he distracted by the loud kids?  Is he bored?

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