Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday: real or fantasy? Apparently our kids can't tell.

(note from Ben: spoilers ahead)

This weekend we slowly watched the movie "Bolt".  (We're slowly working our way through a bunch of the Disney movies now that Joshua is old enough.)  Anyway, the movie is about this dog, Bolt, that thinks he has super powers, but really he is the star of a TV show and so it's all special effects.  The dog ends up away from the studio and while finding his way back realizes he doesn't actually have super powers.

We're at the end of the movie when Bolt his saving his person from a fire.  Joshua chimes in with, "he's going to use his laser eyes!"  Ben and I wonder exactly what movie he was watching the whole time.  Then after the fire it cuts to a scene in the hospital (where the person had been brought after the fire) but the bad guy is there and Bolt saves her with his laser eyes.  Isaac says, "I wonder why they brought her to the hospital with the bad guy."  Now, it was one of those odd transitions where you think you're in one place but then you need to realize you're in another...and we thought Isaac at least would have been old enough to tell.

Then at bed time Isaac pulled out one of his front teeth and was bleeding all over the place.  It took Ben and I a bit to get to him, but he did a good thing and was rinsing with water.  I put the tooth in a bag for him to put under his pillow.  He was worried the tooth fairy wouldn't find him in the fort, so put it under the pillow in his bedroom.

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