Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday: catching up

Today felt like a catch-up day.  I'm not really sure what I was catching up from, perhaps Friday when I was gone on the field trip?

Anyway, I started trying to make apple chips.  They're not very chip-y, but they are pretty good.  The laundry got put away.  The kitchen got cleaned.  Phone calls (yuck) were made.  Emails were sent.  Some clutter was put away.  It felt pretty productive today, but not amazing.

The best story I have today is actually from Joshua.  He spilled his morning breakfast smoothie on his blanket.  Since it isn't laundry day, I told him he'd have to wash it if he wanted it tonight.  Of course, we both forgot after school.  So at 7:14, while I was at karate, I have three texts from him.  The first asking how to do laundry.  The second pinging me: Mom?  The third pinging me: Mom??  Honestly, I usually don't have my phone nearby during karate unless the kids are home alone.  Isaac ended up helping Joshua out and it really made me feel like I won at parenting.  (Yes, Ben was home.  No, Joshua didn't ask Ben for help.)

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