Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wednesday: alarming things

Last night, around 1:20am I heard an alarm go off.  It was shrill and insistent...beep beep beep.  beep beep beep. beep beep beep.

I was out of bed so fast and to the bedroom door a second later.  As I opened the door, another second later, it stopped.  I walked into the house, and my first thought was that there was no smoke.  I checked the oven.  I checked the fridge.  Nothing.  I went downstairs and checked the freezer.  The furnace seemed fine.  What else could have made such an alarm?  Something from a device...the ipad?  A phone?  A battery backup?

Well, a half hour later there was still no additional alarms and my heart rate was finally slowing down.  I got back to sleep.

In the morning, no one else had heard the alarm, although that isn't all that unexpected.  Was it a dream?  I heard it when I was out of bed, so that would be surprising.  It is still a mystery.

My other alarming thing was when I grabbed a pen and it started to write in blue ink.  Well, that is odd; I was sure that it was a black ink pen.  Black?  Blue?  What was going on?!?  It turns out that we have two pens that look exactly alike but have different inks in them.  I wasn't going crazy.

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