Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday: thoughts

-Sometimes I which I had a camera following me around like the do in The Office. Sometimes I just want to give it a look.

-Flurry has taken to dipping her paw in her water bowl and then licking it. It seems incredibly inefficient, but looks very polite.

-In WoW, I wish the druid forms had something to distingush individual characters. I'm in a raid with three trees right now, and it gets confusing as to whether my spell went off or not.

-I hate short USB cords

-I wish I had the motivation to do some of the cleaning and picking up around here that really needs to be done.


Brian said...

Druid tree-form looks like moldy broccoli. However, given the heals they produce, after a few Kara runs I've come to love moldy broccoli.

Amanda said...

Oh, you're so kind. I can just feel the love.